

Archive by Category Bildung

MC GREEN Project

Conveying Green VET micro-credentials into EQF with ISO17024 quality assurance model


Das Erasmus+ Projekt ELEVATE verfolgt die Entwicklung von innovativen Ansätzen und Instrumenten für KMUs, um ihre individuellen Potentiale zu identifizieren und das dramatische Problem des Fachkräftemangels zu bekämpfen

Green Meme Effect

GREEN MEME EFFECT: Greenfluencing microinterventions in physical and digital social space of youth to foster eco-friendly and sustainable behaviours.

Steam 4 Life

The STEAM4LIFE project partership consists of 6 partner organisations from 5 different EU countries. Under the leadership of FHM Berlin as the project coordinator rfom Germany, the project partnership will be active in Austria, Cyprus, Ireland, and Slovenia.


SPGs is directed at young people in the EU who will be first-time voters in the upcoming European elections in 2024. With the help of the project, they will become protagonists in their journey of discovery of the European Union, its values, its policies and the possibilities of democratic contribution.


#me#us#now engages young people between 15 and 30 years in Vocational Education and Training (VET) and VET professionals across Europe. The projects raises awareness and self-efficacy of young people concerning climate change and sustainability.

Youth Courage

By becoming active citizens who participate in social and civic life, young people can shape their own future to make it more inclusive and solidaric. Especially marginalised groups can be empowered through engagement, so that they, too, can pursue their goals.


Auxilium pro Regionibus Europae in Rebus Culturalibus wurde im Jahre 2004 als gemeinnütziger Verein zur Förderung von Bildung und Kultur in einem Europa der Regionen in Graz, Österreich, gegründet.

Green Collider

Developing green competencies has become and will be in the foreseeable future the key to maintaining added value in sustainable economy EU thrives to create. It has become clear that VET and businesses alike must adapt to the uncertainties the future brings and simultaneously contribute to sustainable society.

EU 365

The aim is to enhance participation, diversity, and environmental awareness in vocational education to increase active European citizenship, inclusivity and climate friendly lifestyles all year long.